20 wedding details you may forget while planning your big day

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Have you heard the saying that the devil is in the detail? Well planning a wedding is all about details and without a good plan there will be lots of wedding details you may forget

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This wedding guide focuses on the wedding details that you need to remember, so you can hopefully not be that couple.

These 3 wedding planning tips will basically enable you to develop your own plan in the level of detail needed.

  1. A detailed wedding plan not just a checklist of key things.
  2. Strong communication skills, follow up your discussions in writing.
  3. Do not make assumptions about what people do and don’t know. If it’s not written down assume they don’t know and communicate.

It’s not surprising to see couples struggling on with never ending wedding to do lists when it comes to planning a wedding. Most wedding checklists falsely make wedding planning seem very simple.  A successful wedding depends on you being able to plan in detail, which is a definite skill.  Most of us are happy enough organising the key things but fleshing out the details is something we can struggle with. Typically the biggest issue is overlooking things that seem obvious to you as the host.

There are so many moving parts that need to be organised and the one thing that keeps all of this together is really strong and robust communication. Making assumptions about what people will and won’t do from your guests to your suppliers is a big mistake that can have plans unravelling quicker than you can say I do.

We have drafted up this last minute  wedding checklist of wedding details you may forget to include while wedding planning.

Wedding details you may forget

1.The Getting Ready Timeline

The chances are you already have an idea of what will be happening the morning of your wedding.  If you haven’t created a plan there is still time to organise one. Work backwards from the time you will be picked up and list everything that you need to do.

  • One thing brides forget to do when planning their big day is not leaving enough time to get ready.  Make sure you factor in a spare half an hour in case of delays or issues that arise. Getting ready in good time will give you chance to savour the moments leading up to your ceremony.
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2. Wedding Day Emergency kit

Remember to pack a wedding day emergency kit filled with things you need in a hurry.  Make a list of everything you will need with you on the day, things such as makeup to touch up with. Get this ready before or delegate to a friend to organise and take to the venue.

3. Phone Charger

The phone charger is a wedding day essential you don’t want to forget on your wedding day.  Don’t forget to take a phone charger and perhaps leave it somewhere at the venue where you can access it safely. The chances are you may want to take some of your own snaps and

4. The marriage License and Wedding rings.

Don’t forget your marriage license, check with your registrar and or vicar to make sure you have the right documents with you.

5. Gratuities and Tips for Wedding suppliers

You may want to tip suppliers but perhaps not wanting to carry a wallet full of cash. Arrange with the venue or nominate someone to hold envelopes for your suppliers. However, make sure you communicate with suppliers to pick these up, also do this before the day.

6. Communicate final Instructions with suppliers

I said in the intro that communication is key and this is one piece of wedding advice you should not ignore.  Always, always check in with suppliers in the final run up to your wedding and confirm everything in writing.

  • Things you need to clarify are timings for dropping off, picking up and collections.
  • Also have a list of things you are expecting from each supplier so these can be checked off on arrival. Make sure these lists are agreed and communicated with suppliers as it may highlight things that have been missed that you think are happening. It avoids confusion and disappointment on the day.
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8. Extra Flowers for the cake

You would not be surprised to know how often a cake maker is left short of flower stems to decorate the wedding cake.  It might also surprise you to hear that they have been known to take flowers from your table flower arrangements.

  • Don’t assume that the florist will have spare flowers for the hair or the cake so make sure these are ordered in advance.

9. Get the engagement ring cleaned and polished

It is a good idea to get your engagement ring cleaned and polished before you get married. Putting on a brand new wedding band next to a worn engagement ring will highlight the difference and won’t look so great on photos.

10. Don’t forget extra Stationery for photographs

Bring an extra set of stationery for your wedding photographer a nice image ties the theme together for your album.

11. Prepare a wet weather plan

If it rains make sure you know what will happen. After the church you may not get photos you want, guests may be waiting for the rain to pass before getting to cars to travel on to the venue.

12. Have a designated point of contact for suppliers.

On the day there will be suppliers coming and going dropping off, setting up and picking up. Make sure suppliers know who they can contact on the day if they have any questions. Likewise you need to keep your suppliers contact details handy in case you need to contact them. Delegate this task to someone in your bridal party.

13. Have a back up plan

What will you do if your makeup artist does not turn up or your hair dresser can’t make it?  The back up plan is an incredible asset to have. Working through preparing a back up plan will allow you to see and plan for risks.

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14. Getting into your wedding dress

Depending on your wedding dress you may want help getting it fastened up on the day so make sure that your bridesmaid knows what to do. Don’t do what I did and left getting in my dress until the very last minute when my bridesmaids had left in the wedding cars. You may only have your Dad or your photographer on hand – awkward!

15. Know your timings

When will you cut your cake and when your first dance will be and have someone on hand to help remind you to keep to these timings. Especially important if you don’t have a wedding planner on hand.

16. Photo wrangler

The photo wrangler is a designated person that will liaise directly with your photographer. The job is to round up relevant parties for the group photos as quickly and as efficiently as possible. Easier said than done, as people disperse all over as soon as they get to the venue. Your photo wrangler should know your guests and know your plan for the group shots.

17. Gathering items to save from the wedding

When the reception changes from day to evening there may well be props and wedding details that can be packed away so things don’t get lost or broken. Have someone go round and collect any valuables you want to keep.

18. Correct postage on your stationery

Make sure you get your stationery weighed and measured so the right postage can be applied. Getting this wrong can cause delays for your guests receiving their invitations, worse still they may not get delivered at all.

19. Budget buffer

Always factor in an amount of money that can act as a buffer in case of emergency requirements.

20. Hospitality for Suppliers

Factor in food and drinks for suppliers that are with you on the day. Some suppliers will have lengthy setups or may have travelled some distance to get to your venue. Treat them kindly and your more likely to get the best service possible.

Wedding details you may forget
